How Do I Warm Up For My 4ME Pilates Class?

-Oct 13, 2021
How Do I Warm Up For My 4me Pilates Class

Many people treat warming up as if it were some kind of nuisance. It’s that thing everyone knows they should do, but nobody really has any time to actually do it, right? Well, if you love remaining fit, active and injury-free, then warming up will need to become a regular part of your exercise routine!

But HOW do I warm up correctly, you may be asking? Have no fear, this is a common question we get asked and one that unfortunately will receive mixed responses. Everyone has their idea on what constitutes a perfect warm up.

So, we went straight to our onsite Physiotherapists to get the definitive answers on how our members should warm up for their 4ME Pilates classes in Keilor Downs, Eltham, Heidelberg, and Sunbury.

1. Complete Dynamic Stretching

We understand that may raise more questions than it answers, so we’ve provided you with a perfect summary here.

Basically, dynamic stretching is when you stretch and move simultaneously. This is far superior as a warm up, compared to static or “sit and hold” stretches. Dynamic stretches allow you to not only stretch your muscles, but also can increase blood flow to your muscles, which literally warms them up in preparation for your exercise.

Dynamic stretching can also help to:

  • Move your muscles through their full range of motion
  • Improve nerve activation during exercise
  • Reduce your risk of injury compared to static stretching

2. An Effective Warm Up Is Shorter Than You Think

Many studies have shown that an effective dynamic warm up routine can be completed in 5-10 minutes. However, you need to make sure the exercises you are completing are done correctly!

Fortunately, all our Pilates instructors at 4ME Pilates+ have worked hand-in-hand with our in-house Physiotherapists to formulate quick and effective warm up routines that are completed at the beginning of every class.

3. Warm Up The Major Body Parts

It is imperative that you warm up the major body parts. Standing there and waving your arms back and forth for 5-minutes just won’t cut it as an effective warm up!

Spending 1-minute on each major joint in your body should be sufficient for most people when warming up. This may vary depending on the areas you will be focusing on in your class. For example, if your class involves a lot of hip exercises, it may be worthwhile spending a little more time warming up your hips.

4. Keep Your Body Warm

The warmer you are when you start, the faster it will be for you to warm up. It sounds pretty simple, yet time and time again we see people come to their class in the middle of winter wearing a singlet and wonder why they’re struggling to warm up!

We advise keeping your jumper on throughout the entirety of the warm up, and then take off your warmer layers as the exercise portion of the class begins.

Final Thoughts

To put it simply, warming up is one of if not the most important part of any Pilates class. If we fail to warm up correctly, you risk a serious injury that can keep us out of class for an extended period of time!

At 4ME Pilates+, we have taken the hassle out of warming up, with our Physiotherapist-curated warm up routines that will be sure to keep you in class and off the treatment table.

Please note: This is to be used as general advice only. You should always speak to your relevant healthcare professional about what warm up routine is best suited to your needs.

For personalized guidance and to learn more about our locations near you, including Pilates classes near Northcote, Coburg, and Brunswick, please contact us today.

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